Yoga, Pilates and Stretching help with flexibility, breathing, posture, coordination, as well as improving concentration, balance, energy and mobility. Choose exercise as part of your lifestyle! |
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Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga is a traditional yoga that focus on practice of yoga asanas in line with proper breathing and posture alignment to achieve total relaxation in body and mind. The practice of Hatha Yoga helps to reduce stress, improve our concentration, coordination of muscle groups ultimately to improve our body balance, release stress , rehabilitation after injury recovery, increase our energy and to awaken our inner self. This class is suitable for beginner to intermediate level of yoga practitioner. Yin Yoga Yin Yoga is a form of yoga practice that aims at enhancing the opening of joints through stretching of connective tissues to improve the downward flow of blood circulation towards the pelvis and feet. Postures for Yin Yoga are all on the floor and each is held for a longer period of time usually 3 to 5 minutes. Student will learn to connect the breathing and control of mind to relax the muscles that we are working on and at the same time allowing the connective tissues to be safely and gently stretched. The benefits of Yin Yoga helps to balance the yin and yang aspects of ourselves, increase the flow of prana (i.e. qi) inside our body. It can also helps to maintain the health of the connective tissues through mindful and quiet practice. This class is suitable for all levels of yoga practitioner. Pilates on Mat This class is focus on building core strength to assist in strengthening the muscle and stretching the body. The Pilates principles of proper breathing, elongation of spine, use control and concentration to perform the posture in a rhythmic manner are applied. The practice of Pilates is good for anyone who wants to build spine mobility, improve body balance, build muscle power , build body shape, avoid injury or regain muscle power after injury recovery. This class is suitable for new to experience Pilates practitioner. Stretching Class Stretching class is to focus on stretching the muscle groups in the body from neck, shoulder & back, arms, hands & wrist, lower back, hip, knee & thigh to foot & calves to improve flexibility and elasticity in the muscles and provides a wider range of motion in the joints. This practice includes static or dynamic movement and required a holding time from 20 to 30 seconds per posture. Besides improvement in flexibility and increased mobility in joints, stretching can also helps to reduce muscle soreness & pain, reduce chance of injury, release of stress and improve body alignment. It can also be used as a warm up or cool down exercise for any kind of sport. This class is suitable for student who has interest to practice stretching exercise. |
哈達瑜伽是一種傳統的瑜伽訓練。在練習瑜伽式子時要配合正確的呼吸方法和體位練習,而於完成任何式子時要能達到身體和心靈的放鬆。練習哈達瑜伽的好處是能幫助學員改善專注力、準確地控制肌肉群組的活動、改善身體平衡力、舒緩壓力、亦可作為傷愈後的復健運動、增加身體的能量和喚醒我們對自身的認知。此課程是適合初級至中級瑜伽學員。 陰瑜伽 陰瑜伽是一種瑜伽訓練, 主要是透過伸展身體的結締組織(包括肌腱、韌帶、軟骨、筋膜)來打開身體的關節,及能幫助改善下半身血液循環。練習陰瑜伽的式子主要是在瑜伽墊上練習,而每個式子要停留3 至5分鐘。 學員要學習透過呼吸和用意志力去放鬆身體的肌肉,而同時間溫和及安全地伸展結締組織。練習陰瑜伽的益處在於能平衡身體上「陰」及「陽’」(例如柔輭度及持久力)方面的需要,增加「氣」的流動令經絡暢通及筋膜柔軟。這種心靈及靜態的瑜珈練習對人體長遠的健康有極大的影響。此課程適合各級别的瑜伽練習者。 墊上彼拉提斯課程 這課程主要是針對強化核心力量來增加肌肉強度及伸展身體. 我們應用彼拉提斯的法則如呼吸、脊椎伸延、用控制及專注力有節奏地完成彼拉提斯的式子練習。彼拉提斯練習基本上是適合任何人仕想改善脊椎靈活度、身體平衡度、建立肌肉力量、 塑造完美體態、避免受傷或作為傷後復健的運動。課堂適合初學至有經驗的彼拉提斯學員。 伸展運動班 伸展運動著重於伸展身體各部份的肌肉從頸部肩膊及背部、手臂、手和手腕,下腰,臀部,膝蓋和大腿,腳和小腿。 透過肌肉伸展可以改善肌肉柔軟度和彈性,也能提高關節的靈活度。課堂中學員會練習動態及靜態伸展。 於練習伸展動作時,每動作都需要維持約20 至30 秒。除了能改善身體柔軟度及增加關節活動範圍,伸展運動也可改善肌肉痠痛或背痛、減少受傷機會、紓緩壓力及打造完美體態,亦可用作運動前的熱身及運動後平靜舒緩身體的練習。課堂適合學員有興趣於肌肉伸展練習。 |
Amy Tse
Amy started the practice of yoga in 2005 aiming at stress reduction, maintaining good health and achieving inner peace in mind and body. With the desire to learn more about yoga, she completed a 200-hour Basic Yoga Teacher training and a 100-hour Yin Yoga teacher training in 2010. In 2013, she also completed a 300-hour Advance Hatha Yoga Teacher training Levels I, II and III in addition to a 200-hour Yoga Therapy Certificate Course. Since then she became a freelance yoga teacher. Amy fell in love with Pilates and completed the Polestar Pilates Mat Basic, Intermediate and Advance level training in 2018 and became accredited as a Certified Practitioner of Pilates Mat. Amy’s teaching always focuses on proper breathing, posture alignment and the use of core control to avoid injury. 自2005 年Amy 老師開始練習瑜伽,希望透過瑜伽練習來減輕因繁忙工作帶來的壓力、強身健體及能達到身心的寧靜。為了進一步認識瑜伽,於2010年Amy完成了200 小時基本瑜伽導師課程及100小時陰瑜伽導師課程。 其後於2013年她亦完成了300小時高級哈達瑜伽(I,II和IIII 級)導師課程及200 小時瑜伽治療導師課程。隨後她成為了自由身的瑜伽老師。Amy 對普拉提感興趣,於2018年她完成了Polestar Pilates Mat 初、中及高級的導師課程,並正式成為Polestar 認證的Pilates Mat 導師。 Amy 的教學方法著重於用正確的呼吸,配合正確體位和核心力量的運用從而避免學員於練習時受傷的機會。 |
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